Can’t stop overthinking? Hey overthinker — Stop doing that!

Can't stop overthinking

The overthinker

Are you a classic overthinker? You know… you have a simple decision to make, but you think it through for so long, you end up making no decision at all. You need to take action, but before you decide on the right steps to take, you run every scenario through your head. You tie yourself up in knots so tight that you can’t break free to move even one step forward. Continue reading “Can’t stop overthinking? Hey overthinker — Stop doing that!”

Ways to stay focused on your goals in 2018

As you declare you New Years resolutions for 2018 and promise yourself this year will be different and this year you will follow through with your declarations, here are SEVEN tips to help you stay focused on your goals.

In a couple of days time, all around the world people will come together with friends, family and strangers to welcome in and celebrate another new year beginning.

Unfortunately, 99% of people who will make a New Years resolution on 1 January, will not follow through.


Keep your goals realistic

Break your goals into chunks

Link each stepping stone to a motivating driver (Set yourself a reward, withdraw a privilege, set a punishment) what are you motivated by?

Find an accountability partner

Get yourself a coach

Keep the vision top of mind (Create a Vision Board, make your screen saver or phone lock screen your vision)

Say an affirmation each day

Learn something new

quit making excuses





Why do we self-sabotage ourselves and how to overcome it

self sabotage hard road

Self sabotage is a very real struggle

Someone once asked me “Why do you always insist on taking the hard road.” I replied, “Why do you assume I see 2 roads?” As a coach and business consultant, I can easily relate to this mindset and I know self sabotage is a very real struggle for many people. Why do we self-sabotage ourselves so much?

This probably speaks to you if you’re someone who finds it impossible to break out of bad habits or destructive behaviour. You know you’re doing things you shouldn’t but you can’t seem to make better choices.

Running your own business requires an extraordinary level of resilience. There is no room for self sabotage if you want to be successful in the long term. There are enough challenges running a business on a daily and weekly basis as it is. Creating more hurdles for yourself through self doubt and self sabotage is a short cut to disaster.

Continue reading “Why do we self-sabotage ourselves and how to overcome it”

Goal setting… it starts with planting the seed

goal setting planting the seed

Have you ever experienced the feeling of achieving a really massive goal?

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve helped someone achieve a goal, when they’d initially told me  “I can’t do that”, I could retire tomorrow. What a nice thought!

Sometimes it was a small goal, like completing one full push-up or jogging 400 metres around the block without stopping. Other times it was something huge, like running a marathon, writing a book or starting a brand new business. Continue reading “Goal setting… it starts with planting the seed”

A marketing strategy to help your business appeal to more customers

marketing strategy

The generous friend

As a business owner, you have to take a generous approach with your marketing strategy. Asking people to buy from you all the time, without giving them anything else in return, is like having a friend and only ever speaking to them when you want them to come to your birthday party, just so that you can get one more present.

Would you want to be that person’s friend? Continue reading “A marketing strategy to help your business appeal to more customers”

Unless you’re coachable, little can be achieved


The student must be coachable

I’ve coached a lot of people in my lifetime. I’ve conducted in excess of 20,000 coaching sessions and probably given over one million pieces of feedback. If there’s one thing I’ve learnt as a coach, it’s that little can be achieved unless the student is coachable.

I’ve coached everyday people, sports people and business owners. I’ve coached coaches and leaders. Many have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. A few have achieved nothing at all. Continue reading “Unless you’re coachable, little can be achieved”