Who is your ideal client? Seven reasons why you need to know

finding your ideal client | ideal client | ideal client mood board | ideal client worksheet | ideal client profile | ideal client avatar | Ideal Client | Ideal Client Board | Ideal Client Avatar | ideal customer | ideal customer avatar | ideal customer worksheet | ideal customer profile | ideal customer mood board | Ideal Customer | customer avatar | customer avatar template | customer avatar poster |

ThereWho is your ideal client? Can you think of that one ideal client you have who is a dream to work with? They buy from you without much effort at all. They love everything about what you do. This client is a perfect fit as far as what they need and what you have.

They see enormous value in your products or service and they tell all their friends about you. This person engages with you on social media, liking, commenting and sharing your posts without you having to ask. They happily give you glowing testimonials and reviews.

What if you could have an entire business filled with duplicates of this person?

One of the most important things in business is knowing who your ideal customer is. Defining your ideal client and knowing everything about them can help make your marketing much more effective. It can even help steer your research and development. Continue reading “Who is your ideal client? Seven reasons why you need to know”

Two reasons why business has changed forever

why business has changed forever

Two events, ten years and why business has changed forever

In the last decade, we have had two major, once in a generation, advancements in technology, which have completely changed the way people communicate and gather information. As a result, business has changed forever.

As a business owner, you must understand how these changes have made a difference to the way customers buy and what you need to do as a business to survive in 2017 and beyond. Continue reading “Two reasons why business has changed forever”

Take control of the sales process — 7 things a customer needs

take control of the buying process

What the customer needs before they can buy

You’re not too bad at sales. You know how to communicate and create fantastic conversations with prospects. You know how to ask great questions. But there’s a huge piece of the puzzle you don’t have any control of. The customer! Regardless of how well you lead the sales process, there are seven things the customer needs before they can buy from you.

Your success throughout the sales process will be influenced by these seven factors so it’s important to understand what’s happening in the customer’s mind.

Continue reading “Take control of the sales process — 7 things a customer needs”

SEO basics for dummies, from a dummy

seo tips for blogs

SEO basics for your blog — tips from a beginner

Firstly I want to make it clear that these SEO basics for dummies are from an SEO dummy — me! I am NOT an SEO expert. I do run my own website, I built it from scratch and right now I manage my own SEO on my blog. It’s still a work in progress.

I’m definitely not claiming I know everything about SEO, but I know from my own experience, sometimes hearing a few straight forward tips from someone on your own level can be a helpful place to start. Think of my efforts today as SEO basics for dummies, from a dummy!

SEO basics for dummies, from a dummy! Share on X

Over the last few months, I have learnt so much about how to improve (not master) SEO, readability and which components are important to include in a great blog post. I want to share what I’ve learnt to help you write better articles.

Continue reading “SEO basics for dummies, from a dummy”

A marketing strategy to help your business appeal to more customers

marketing strategy

The generous friend

As a business owner, you have to take a generous approach with your marketing strategy. Asking people to buy from you all the time, without giving them anything else in return, is like having a friend and only ever speaking to them when you want them to come to your birthday party, just so that you can get one more present.

Would you want to be that person’s friend? Continue reading “A marketing strategy to help your business appeal to more customers”

Focus on the customer need

Focus on the customer need

What if you focused on the customer need?

What would happen if you never told another person about what you do and instead you focused on the customers need? Your business would boom. That’s what would happen.

I went to a market the other week. While I was there I did an experiment. I stopped to look at things that interested me. Initially I said nothing to the stall holder. I waited for the owner to approach me. I wanted to test how they would engage me and what they would say.

My experiment confirmed my suspicions. Sadly, so many business owners have no idea to how to conduct business. This is what I heard: Continue reading “Focus on the customer need”

Needle in a haystack

If you run a small business you’ll know how incredibly difficult it is to get and keep customers. Marketing is a constant challenge. Getting traction with any marketing or brand awareness activity can be frustrating and sometimes fruitless. Expecting that you can run one campaign and have customers falling from the sky is… well, it’s just not realistic.

Building brand awareness and getting customers just doesn’t work like that.

Just because you run a small business doesn’t mean that people know your business exists. In fact I can guarantee you that 99.99% of people do NOT know your business exists at all. If you’re thinking otherwise, in the words of Darryl Kerrigan – “You’re dreamin’.”

Even if people know your business exists, they’re probably not looking to buy from you in that moment. Even if they are looking for what you have to offer, that doesn’t guarantee that they will buy from you – there are many other competitors that they can choose from.

Being successful in small business is incredibly challenging and that’s why only a fraction of small businesses succeed. I know this sounds all a bit doom and gloom but it’s just the reality of small business. Understanding just how little of your marketing efforts people actually see is vital to understanding just how much marketing is needed and how consistent it needs to be to be effective.

Our senses are bombarded with over 11 million bits of data every SECOND. The average person’s working memory can handle 40-50 bits, max. That means we ignore 10,999,950 bits of data every second we are awake. It’s most likely your marketing activities are in THAT 10,999,950 bits of data that are being ignored!

Does that mean you stop doing marketing because “it’s not working?” NO! Does that mean you have to do a HELL of a lot MORE to get noticed! YES!

I did an interesting exercise today on my morning commute. In a half hour period, I wanted to count the number of cars and trucks who were advertising brands I either knew or had never seen before. The results?

In 30 minutes, I counted 38 cars and trucks which were signed with brands I knew. What was staggering was that I saw 51 cars and trucks signed with brands I had NEVER seen before.

The brands I recognised were companies that had put themselves in front of me not once, not twice, but probably hundreds if not thousands of times. They were brands like Coles, Bunnings, Toll, Ventura and Jim’s.

If you think people know your business exists, they don’t.

If you think a few weeks of marketing is going to have people banging your business door down, unfortunately it won’t.

If you think just by showing up once or twice, you can draw the crowd, I’m here to tell you it just doesn’t work that way.

Your business is a needle in a haystack. You need to market your business as if it’s a needle in a haystack and be persistent, consistent and relentless. You have to hussle. You have to go to your customers; they will NOT come to you.

Only the most determined will survive!