5 office design tricks to increase productivity

5 office design tricks to increase productivity

By guest author Arron Hiddleston, contributor at smoothdecorator.com

Inspire and increase productivity

If maintaining peak productivity is difficult in a commercial office, it might seem next to impossible if you work from home. By implementing some simple office design tricks, you can create a work space which will inspire you and increase productivity.

In the digital world, many careers as well as complete industries are transitioning from commercial office spaces to home offices, as the rise of on-demand services grows in popularity.

Whether you’re a work from home freelancer, eCommerce business, writer, designer, lawyer or fitness expert, you’re most likely facing the challenges of maintaining a productive environment when working from your home office. Continue reading “5 office design tricks to increase productivity”

When you need to learn to say NO!


The urge to please

The urge to please others is in built in all of us. One of the fundamental human needs is to feel loved and feel like we belong, therefore it’s natural to want others to like you and to include you. It’s easy to get stuck in a cycle of saying yes to please others. This cycle is neither healthy nor conducive to happiness. It’s important, as part of the journey to find happiness and success, to learn to say no! Continue reading “When you need to learn to say NO!”

The Productive Procrastinator

productive procrastinator

Is there such thing as a productive procrastinator?

Hands up if you are a terrible procrastinator. Yep, me too! However somehow I am also incredibly productive so it got me thinking. Is there such thing as a productive procrastinator? I think the answer might be yes.

How is it possible that you could be very productive and a terrible procrastinator at the same time? I think it comes down to working to your strengths. And in my experience, that seems to be the key to productivity. Continue reading “The Productive Procrastinator”