Goal setting… it starts with planting the seed

Have you ever experienced the feeling of achieving a really massive goal?

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve helped someone achieve a goal, when they’d initially told me  “I can’t do that”, I could retire tomorrow. What a nice thought!

Sometimes it was a small goal, like completing one full push-up or jogging 400 metres around the block without stopping. Other times it was something huge, like running a marathon, writing a book or starting a brand new business.

I’ve had a reputation for many years of being a master at planting the seed. My clients have told me this numerous times. I can see the potential in people and I know how much most people are capable of. And it’s much more than most people think.

If I had a dollar for every time I've helped someone achieve a goal, I could retire tomorrow. Share on X

In my experience, there are three simple steps to achieving success:

  1. Deciding on the goal
  2. Believing you can do it
  3. Doing what’s required, until you get there

And number one is where many people sell themselves short.


3 steps to success


See I bet you don’t realise how much you are capable of achieving. So how can you decide to go for something when you don’t even realise it’s within the realm of possibility?

That’s where I step in.

Sometimes you don’t know what you’re capable of until someone points it out as a possibility. It’s having someone who’s able to plant the seed in your mind. And then better still, encourages and motivates you to feed, er and nurture that seed until it germinates. And then blooms.

As a coach, I have planted so many seeds. Sometimes it’s taken my clients a few weeks to realise their ability. Sometimes it’s taken a few years.


I have a few stories I absolutely love to tell. My favourite is Megan’s. Megan came to me when I was a personal trainer, as someone who had never exercised regularly before. She was a busy mum with four children. Megan and her husband ran their own business. Being a parent and raising a family is the most rewarding and important goal in the world. But Megan had never really set personal goals, just for her,  because her life had always been about her family and her children.

The first time I met Megan she told me she wanted to be a bit fitter and healthier. She wanted a bit of time for herself and she’d decided it was time to start doing something for her. I discussed my recommendations which included cardiovascular training to help her increase her fitness and give her more energy.

She told me she wouldn’t be running. She didn’t like running, she wasn’t built for running and she didn’t do running. I accepted her objection, just to help her get started. But I knew she was capable of more. She just didn’t realise it yet.

I suggested she attend the cardio sessions and start with faced paced walking as well as joining in with the other cardio exercises I would be giving her. She did just that, but within a few weeks, she was jogging with others in her training group.

It only took a few weeks before she realised she could run just as well as anyone else. Megan had never allowed herself to dream of being able to run. Within 6 months of starting her new training program, Megan had set a goal of running a full marathon, 42.2km. Within 18 months, she had completed her marathon! Since then, over the past ten years or so, Megan has run two marathons, completed three Oxfam 100 kilometre trail walks, climbed to Base Camp of Mount Everest and successfully completed an Ironman triathlon. All it took was a seed of possibility, and for me to be able to show Megan what she was capable of.



Darren was a happily married, successful salesman, earning a high salary. He and his wife had built their dream home and they’d worked hard to pay back their bank loan. In their late twenties, they already owned their home outright.

Darren was successful but not fulfilled. He was thirty kilograms overweight, stressed and unhealthy. Unfortunately, their dream life came to a devastating halt when Darren ‘s wife passed away. With amazing strength, he decided he needed to change his life to help him move forward.

Darren started fitness training, lost thirty kilograms and found a new healthier lifestyle which he found so enjoyable. He had expressed interest in becoming a personal trainer to share his new passion and his own experience with others. I planted the seed about him running his own business. Three years after his life was tragically turned upside down, Darren quit his high paying sales career, gained his personal trainer qualifications and started his own business. Seven years on, Darren has a booming business and has never looked back.


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I want to encourage you to be open to big ideas. I mean really big ideas! Things that scare the pants off you. Things that you know are going to change your life in a huge way. Remove your limits and trust in your abilities. Surround yourself with people who will believe in you enough to plant the seed and get ready for something amazing to happen.


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46 Replies to “Goal setting… it starts with planting the seed”

  1. I love this – the small goals help us realise how much more we are capable of. They’re stepping stones to the big, juicy ones.

    Scary ideas are so much fun! Comfort zones are so over-rated, don’t you think?

    1. Totally agree Justine! Comfort zones are dangerous places. They’re a bit like quick sand – once you’re in it, it’s very hard to get out of unless you do something drastic to break free! Better to not ever let yourself get stuck in the first place.

    1. I think we all have those moments Shakirah. It’s very normal. The more you continue to strive for new goals, the more practice you get and like with anything, the more you practice the better you’ll get. Believe in yourself – you really are capable of anything you put your mind to. 🙂

  2. You’re so right, every massive tree started with a tiny seed, so does every idea, every vision, every goal.
    And seeds don’t sprout up instantly, a lot of work is required

  3. I’m ALL about goal setting. I have a five year plan currently for all the things I plan on doing and it’s really inspiring. I agree that big plans are good plans. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this!

    1. That’s amazing Danielle! The great thing about huge goals is that you can really be brave and shoot for something amazing! You may not even feel like you can get there at first. The key is to then break those big goals into small bite size chunks which you can use as stepping stones. I’d love to hear what your five year plan consists of! Would you share it with us?

    1. Thank you so much Sarah! It’s is very rewarding and I get so emotional seeing my clients achieve their potential, especially when they doubted their ability at first! It’s amazing 🙂

  4. I always have goals in my mind. I have big dreams and at present I am working on my baby steps to reach it. One of my goals is to monetize my blog. I am working on it every day and hopefully one day I will reap what I sow.

    1. Fantastic Ana! Thanks for sharing your goal, that’s a great goal to have set yourself. I’m sure that you will get there. Keep working hard and be consistent!

  5. Hi Lisa,

    I can testify to this. I didn’t believe that I could really be full-time self-employed until someone said that I could totally do it.

    That little seed stuck in my heart for months, maybe even a year, before one day I was like, “yoh I can do this!”

    I think when we think goals in general, it can be this private thing we do on our own, we don’t tell anyone, we don’t work with anyone, but really like it’s about other people too. You have to bring others into your goal setting, even if it’s just to have that person be like, “you can do this!”

    So many times I’ve texted friends like, “just tell me I’m not mad and that I can do this.” It does wonders.

    For me, I also see that a lot of struggles with achieving goals happens with over planning, or like getting stuck in the planning phase. Not nearly enough on your #3, getting it done or slaying that goal as I call it. In my similar post to yours, “How Do I Slay My Goals?,” I shared 10 steps to slaying your goals including having an accountability partner.

    One plants and sometimes another waters.

    Thanks for this, it’s gold.

    Nadalie, It’s All You Boo
    NEW POST: 26 Inspiring Self-Love Quotes

    1. Congratulations on taking that leap Nadalie! So many people miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime because they let their fears and insecurities get in the way and they don’t take that leap of faith! Love your article, thanks for sharing.

  6. I love setting goals and I feel amazing wben I complete them. I think everyone should have some sort of goals.

  7. I love this! – Be open to really big ideas – It’s so true that we can do what we set our mind to, it’s just setting your mind to it and taking the steps that holds us back.

  8. Goals are indeed very important if one wants to achieve something. After setting goals, we should work hard to achieve them.
    Great article. Loved reading it.

  9. I loved your line stating – “Sometimes you don’t know what you’re capable of until someone points it out as a possibility”

    I wasn’t able to launch my site unless and until I was not told by colleagues and friends what I am capable of.

    The motivation and believes that I got from them helped me to set my goals in the best way.!!

    I think working for my own job and enjoying every up and down helps me discover new strengths inside me.!!

    1. Congratulations Ankita! That is so wonderful that you finally believed in yourself to launch your own site.

  10. Great post and you are so right. I write about time management and keeping lists of your goals is so important, short and long term. Keeping what you have achieved as an affirmation and inspiration always helps me.

    1. Oh great Heidi! I’d love to read some of your articles about time management. Can you drop a link to your website or a recent article in a reply post?

  11. Everything starts and grows small, think about. If you really want something (realistic) and you are willing to sacrifice many other things for your goal, you will finally succeed. Too many people wanna be successful but can’t be really bothered to give all it needs. Some people are additionally born under a lucky star, they might get faster there, but hey …nobody said it was easy!

    1. You’re so right Klaudia! So many people want the results but without the hard work. It’s just not possible!

  12. Thank you I have recently started planning a goal for each week. Something I want to achieve by the end of the week.

    1. Thanks Haley, that is very true. You do need to know how to set a good plan to work through the steps towards your goals.

    1. Yes definitely Lola. Most things worth achieving will scare you a little bit! But that’s what makes them so rewarding when you do achieve.

  13. I couldn’t agree more. As a life coach I find that the goal-setting step often changes during the initial consultation session. Often clients think they have a particular target in mind but it changes as they start to evaluate certain areas of their life and come to understand their true desires. I loved reading this post, thanks!

    1. Great insights Jackie! I found this in my personal training business too. So often clients would tell me what they thought their goal was, but when I was able to show them what they were truly capable of, those initial goals often changed or were built upon very quickly.

  14. This is so true! It’s so hard to see the potential in ourselves but when someone else mentions it or “plants the seed” it’s so much easier to believe you can do anything. Great advice!

    1. Thanks Leanna yes it’s amazing what can happen when someone else give you an idea and the confidence to go after it!

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