Take control of the sales process — 7 things a customer needs

take control of the buying process

What the customer needs before they can buy

You’re not too bad at sales. You know how to communicate and create fantastic conversations with prospects. You know how to ask great questions. But there’s a huge piece of the puzzle you don’t have any control of. The customer! Regardless of how well you lead the sales process, there are seven things the customer needs before they can buy from you.

Your success throughout the sales process will be influenced by these seven factors so it’s important to understand what’s happening in the customer’s mind.

Continue reading “Take control of the sales process — 7 things a customer needs”

What to say when someone says it’s too expensive

too expensive | too expensive | too expensive rodan and fields | too expensive funny | too expensive quotes | too expensive meme | Too Expensive | Too Expensive But... | TOO EXPENSIVE... Think Again! |

The “too expensive” objection

If you’ve been in business for a while, by now you would’ve come across clients or prospects giving you the too expensive objection. Mastering the right mindset and believing in the value you’re offering is so important. Understanding how and why people buy is also vital to knowing what to say when someone says it’s too expensive.

So what do you say in response?

Dealing with this type of rejection is always tough. It can make you question what you’re offering. It can make you question your value, your entire business and can even make you consider lowering your prices. It’s so important to fight the self-doubt.

Stop! Don’t change a thing until you’ve read on. Continue reading “What to say when someone says it’s too expensive”

Invest in your business – 17 ways to invest wisely

business investment

The difference between investment and expense

I probably don’t need to tell you that investing in your business is important. Many business owners, especially startups running on limited profits find it a challenge to understand the difference between an investment and an expense. Especially in times of hardship, economic downturn or increased competition, it’s easy to make the mistake of thinking everything that costs money is an expense. Continue reading “Invest in your business – 17 ways to invest wisely”

A marketing strategy to help your business appeal to more customers

marketing strategy

The generous friend

As a business owner, you have to take a generous approach with your marketing strategy. Asking people to buy from you all the time, without giving them anything else in return, is like having a friend and only ever speaking to them when you want them to come to your birthday party, just so that you can get one more present.

Would you want to be that person’s friend? Continue reading “A marketing strategy to help your business appeal to more customers”

Unless you’re coachable, little can be achieved


The student must be coachable

I’ve coached a lot of people in my lifetime. I’ve conducted in excess of 20,000 coaching sessions and probably given over one million pieces of feedback. If there’s one thing I’ve learnt as a coach, it’s that little can be achieved unless the student is coachable.

I’ve coached everyday people, sports people and business owners. I’ve coached coaches and leaders. Many have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. A few have achieved nothing at all. Continue reading “Unless you’re coachable, little can be achieved”