Mistake 22 — You didn’t follow up

How many follow ups?

How many follow up contacts do you think you need to make to help a customer buy? Two? Three? Anyone for four?

Would it surprise you to know only 5 percent of sales are made on the first or second contact? 80 percent of sales are made after the fifth contact. If you want to improve your conversions, following up is key.

Just because someone shows interest in your products today, doesn’t mean they’re ready to buy today. But they might be ready to buy tomorrow, or next week or next month. If you brush them off and throw them in the ‘they’re not interested’ basket after the first or second contact, you’re missing out on many valuable opportunities to grow your business.

When they’re ready

The reality is most customers will not buy immediately. They may have a need, but before they buy, they must be ready. The customer may enquire with your business when they recognise they have a need, but they will only buy when they’re ready. These two things rarely happen at the same time.

Here’s another alarming statistic — 63 percent of people requesting information on your business today will not purchase for at least three months and 20 percent will take more than 12 months to buy. (Source: Marketing Donut)

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Most people need multiple follow ups before they buy. Even when you get a “no”, remember it’s only a “no” for today. It may not be a “no” forever.

Today’s challenge is to create a follow up correspondence system in your business. Record your prospects and track your follow ups. Plan to continue following up for as long as it takes. Following up with a customer doesn’t mean hounding them relentlessly. It means keeping the lines of communication open, showing you care and providing helpful, useful, inspiring information on an ongoing basis. Continue to help them with their challenges. Keep talking to them. If you genuinely show you care about helping them on their terms, when they’re ready, they be back.

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