Mistake 20 — You tried to rush the sale

Everyone these days seems to be in a big hurry! People are in a hurry on the roads, they’re in a hurry to lose weight, everyone wants to get rich quick, but most of the time, buying and selling doesn’t happen this way. When you try to rush the sale, it will be frustrating and most likely, futile.

You need enough time to ask the right questions and find out enough information about what the customer needs. You need to give the customer enough time to assess whether you’ve provided the right solution. People hate to be sold, but they love to buy, as long as it’s in their own time and on their terms.

If you rush the process today, you’ll likely lose a potential loyal customer for the future.

Today’s challenge is to slow down and stop trying to rush the process. Give the customer the time they need. If they tell you they need time to think about it, or they need to get back to you, reassure them about their needs and your solution. Respect their request and allow them the time they need.

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